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Can You Use Colloidal Silver For Your Cat’s Health?

Cat health and colloidal silver


The Surprising Power of Colloidal Silver

My kitchen pantry and bathroom drawer look like a natural health store.  I’ve got bottles and tubes of homeopathy, herbal remedies, supplements, Chinese herbs, flower essences, essential oils, colloidal silver and all kinds of health products for the random colds, coughs, or flu my husband or I may have encountered over the years.  Many of these products I’ve bought to use for my cats for their various health issues as well.  After all, if I can spare them exposure to toxic drugs with side effects and treat their bodies naturally I will do it. 

One of the best things that everyone needs to have on hand is some high quality colloidal silver.  Not only can it be beneficial for people but it is a great tool to have on hand for your cat, too.  In fact, it’s got some amazing properties that I’ll bet you aren’t even aware of.  I had no idea it was so versatile!  When it comes to cat health colloidal silver is one of the best tools for your holistic health tool box.    

Testimonials, science give evidence colloidal silver works

Depending on what sources you read you’re likely to find articles that both support or deny the benefits of colloidal silver.  Despite the medical community’s and FDA’s attempts to dissuade people from using it, there are literally thousands of testimonials hailing its praise for both people and pets. 

According to an article I read by Dr. Josh Axe, silver attaches to the oxygen molecules which react with the sulfhydrol groups of viruses and bacteria; it also attaches itself directly to the cell membranes, disrupting cellular respiration.  It can even enter the bacteria’s DNA and prevent it from unwinding which is necessary for replication.  If these cells and DNA strands cannot complete their normal metabolic functions they die, and this is how silver is able to heal the body. 

Is colloidal silver safe for cats?

Yes! Colloidal silver is an extremely safe and natural antibiotic for cats of all sizes and ages, including very young kittens. CS can be used both internally and externally, to attack the germ from the inside out and the outside in.

Colloidal silver is amazing for treating cats because it does not have much taste or smell to alarm cats, who are very picky about smell and tastes. In addition, it is not risky or harmful in any way when you spray it or dab it straight onto their fur.  (

Real cats, real stories

Over the years I’ve used colloidal silver for my cats for various reasons, mostly when they were fighting some kind of infection.  Here are a couple of client kitties who agreed to share their stories of how they used colloidal silver recently.


Cat health


My friend, Lisa, reached out to me several weeks ago when she noticed that one of her cats, Oscar, had a horrible looking infection on the back of his leg.  Chances are pretty good it was the result of a cat bite during a bit of rough-housing with his brothers.  It went from a little red spot to a big, ugly red and white streaked wound overnight.  It had grown to be about the size of a quarter and looked very red with pus under the skin.  Instead of running him off to the vet I suggested she try colloidal silver. 

She found some Sovereign Silver ointment at their local health store and started applying it right away several times a day.  Oscar didn’t seem to mind a bit and enjoyed the treat he got after his doctoring.  She was amazed at how fast it cleared up, and she was especially happy they were able to avoid Oscar the trauma and her the expense of a vet visit.  


I have another friend, Pam, who rescued a stray kitty she named Bentley in her neighborhood.  He essentially moved in and made himself at home.  He was around three years old and had never been neutered, so she took him to the vet and had him fixed.  Just a few days after his surgery he became very ill.  He was running a high fever, had terrible diarrhea, and sat hunched over due to the pain.  The vet struggled to come up with a diagnosis but felt he had probably contracted the feline corona virus.  He had been living outdoors, and there was just no way to know how good his immune system was or if he was exposed to it from another cat.  

When Pam went out of town over Thanksgiving I got to kitty sit for Bentley!  Thankfully he never lost his appetite despite his illness.  I fed him a combination of fresh, lightly cooked turkey breast with a pre-mix by Food Fur Life, canned food, and Stella and Chewies and Primal freeze-dried nuggets.  Knowing that nutrition can make or break a cat’s health it was essential to give his body high quality food to help him heal. 

I also added in a dropper full of colloidal silver and probiotics each meal, along with the antibiotic from the vet.  Each day he seemed to feel better, and he was always waiting at the door for me when I arrived.  

After Pam returned from her trip she only gave the colloidal silver sporadically, and Bentley’s condition seemed to go backwards.  After we spoke about it she started giving the silver again along with the vet-prescribed anti-inflammatory medicine that ironically came with a black box warning.  She stopped it after three doses and upped the dosage of silver. 

Did it work?

By December 1st he was like a different cat!  In a text from her she wrote:

You would not believe the transformation in Bentley! He’s like a totally different cat.  He’s running up and down the stairs, following me everywhere, sleeping on my bed, getting up in the cat condo, wanting to go outside, going poop–oh my gosh! He jumps at my feet when I move them in the bed…I think he was half dead before!

What other uses does it have for cats?

According to another article about natural antibiotics for cats, there are lots of ways you can use it:

  • Cleaning and disinfecting:  add to bath water, drinking water, or spray it on bedding
  • Avoiding infections: apply to cuts, scrapes, and injuries–even apply it to bandages
  • Treating infections:  add to drinking water or giving orally 2-3 times per day 
  • Healing skin issues:  ringworm, itchy skin, eczema

Here’s a list of ailments and diseases you can use colloidal silver for:

  • Feline acne
  • Tear stains and eye infections
  • Ear infections
  • Rodent ulcers
  • Teeth issues, including periodontal disease, gingivitis and stomatitis 
  • Abscesses
  • Wounds
  • Helps eliminate parasites
  • Yeast infections
  • Moist dermatitis
  • Acral lick dermatitis
  • MRSA
  • FeLV infection/ FIV (in some cases can help a FIV-positive cat revert to  FIV-negative)
  • Food Preservation
  • Feline herpes
  • FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease) and UTIs 

There are several way to apply colloidal silver, depending on the ailment.  You can add it to the water; soak a cotton ball with it, or give it orally by syringe or dropper.  You can also muscle test to help figure out the proper dose and duration. 

Colloidal Silver vs Antibiotics

While it’s understood that at times there is a need for antibiotics in emergency situations, keep this in mind:  antibiotics kill all bacteria, both good and bad.  As for how colloidal silver affects healthy, beneficial gut flora, there is debate.  Some articles I’ve read say it doesn’t differentiate between healthy and pathogenic bacteria and can kill both.  We simply need more research to know for sure. 

Your cat’s microbiome is home to billions of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.  This ecosystem can shift out of balance when exposed to toxins or medications that kill off certain microorganisms in the gut.  As a result, it can negatively affect the overall health of the animal. 

Therefore, in order to preserve the healthy gut flora as best possible when using colloidal silver internally, only use it for acute, short term conditions.  Also be sure to include a multi-strain probiotic for several weeks or months.  Products like Heavy Metal and Chemical Cleanse by Global Healing or Zeolite can help remove heavy metals like silver from body tissues.  As your vet for a Hair Tissue Mineral Test to determine if silver levels are too high. 

So next time you’re at the natural health store or even perhaps your grocery store, be sure to pick up a large bottle of colloidal silver and perhaps some colloidal silver gel, too.  You never know when your cat (or you) may need it, but at least you’ll be ready!

Have you tried using colloidal silver with your cat?  Share your experience in the comments below. 

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Animal Communication with Nina
I had the good fortune of meeting Nina in 2007 through horses. Nina has been a very important part in helping me keep my horses happy and healthy...both in the form of Equine Bodywork and Communication. She is both astute and intuitive in her communication. Often helping find issue that my veterinarians and I haven't quite been able to figure out.

Suzanne W.

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