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Are Forever Chemicals Harming Your Cat?

Forever chemicals and cats

I sat in on a podcast Sunday at the Inside Scoop with Dr. Karen Becker, Rodney Habib, and Syndey Evans with the Environmental Working Group discussing “forever chemicals” among other toxins that affect us and our pets. There were so many great take aways, but I wanted to share some brief highlights that you may find shocking and helpful.

If you’re unfamiliar with, it is a non-profit environmental group working to protect public health. The information they uncover and share with the public allows people to make more educated decisions about their health.

Here are several important things to consider when it comes to your cat’s health as well as your own.

Does your water contain toxic chemicals?

How safe is your water? Your city or municipal district may state that the levels of contaminants are considered “safe”, but what does that REALLY mean? Should you be ingesting any amount of fluoride, nitrates and chlorine just to name a few? Did you know that you can go to EWG and find out how contaminated your tap water is? Simply go to this link and enter your zip code:

In light of the fact that your water may not be a pure as you were told, how effective are water filters? EWG also has a water filter guide that compares different types of water filters and each one’s effectiveness in removing chemicals and contaminants from your water.

What are forever chemicals?

Have you heard of PFAS? Known as “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down, PFAS are a special class of compounds commonly used in the commercial, industrial and retail industries. These compounds are highly toxic even in small concentrations with ties to cancer and fetal developmental issues.

Studies are finding PFAS present in packaging materials, especially in processed foods. Have you ever looked at the bag of kibble pet food comes in? Not only are phthalates leaching into the foods from the ink on the outside of the bags, the fats and grease in the food are drawing the PFAS into the food itself. Therefore, when it comes to food storage, EWG recommends using BPA free or glass containers. Remember, oxidation begins the moment a bag is opened. This is how food turns rancid when exposed to oxygen. Ultimately, the result is simply a chemical party. This is yet another great reason to feed a fresh or raw food diet to your cat!

Did you know there are no labeling requirements by law concerning PFAS in textiles? This is not only shocking but very disturbing. PFAS are commonly used as stain guards in furniture. In reality, it’s not realistic to simply toss out your furniture. However, regular vacuuming, dusting and running an air filter can help reduce exposure.

Forever chemicals in your cookware

What kind of cookware are you using? Did you know that non-stick cookware are highly toxic also? You can thank PFAS for this technology also.

EWG recommends using stainless steel or products labeled as PFOA and PTFE free instead. This goes for your cooking utensils also! Goodbye Teflon, hello wood!

Toxic take-out?

Some people simply either don’t like to or don’t want to cook. Is take-out your regular dining option? Sadly, the food container materials used in take-out also uses PFAS materials. Therefore, as soon as you get your food home transfer it to a plate or bowl. Also, be sure to store any leftovers in glass or BPA-free containers.

Toxic food additive

Another lesser known toxic food additive is titanium dioxide. A recent European Food Safety Authority study revealed that titanium dioxide is linked to DNA damage and cause cell mutations. Be sure to check the labels on your skin and beauty products, candies, and even pet treats and pet food. Titanium dioxide has been commonly used in cosmetics, pastries, toothpastes and foods as the (white) food colorant E171.

Protecting yourself against forever chemicals

We know it’s impossible to avoid every toxic and forever chemical out there because let’s face it–we live in a toxic world. Therefore, what can you do?

The first thing is STOP GIVING THESE BRANDS YOUR MONEY. Nothing speaks louder than consumer choice especially when it affects a company’s bottom line. Seek out other brands who use safe, non-toxic ingredients and manufacturing practices that align with your values and health.

Secondly, this is yet another reminder why it’s important to do regular detoxing for both you AND your pets.

  • Use a humic or fulvic acid product regularly to protect the gut and aid in the detox process.
  • Supplements like chlorella and Heavy Metal & Chemical Cleanse are excellent for helping remove chemicals from the body.
  • Antioxidants like Quercetin are great for protecting against free radical damage.
  • And don’t forget to use milk thistle on a regular basis to support and boost the liver in its efforts during detox protocols.

Finally, check out the consumer guides that has available for free on their website. This allows you to see how harmful or safe the products and brands are that you use.

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