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The Big Black Cat and A Lesson on Holistic Health

Holistic health


Holistic Health…What Is It?

I have a dear friend and mentor who has a cat named BBC (Big Black Cat). He’s a beautiful solid black kitty with big yellow eyes and thick, medium length fur.  BBC actually adopted Martin and his wife.  He was a stray who sauntered into their backyard one day and never left.  Until he met me Martin had not experienced any exposure to holistic health. 

He asked me the other day what holistic health really means.  Being from my dad’s generation, holistic and natural health may as well be a foreign language.  Like my parents’ generation, people grew up with traditional, allopathic medicine and a deep respect and trust in the established health care industry.  Therefore, to go outside the norm…well, it’s just unheard of!

How my journey began

I think most people never venture off the path of traditional health care…that is until something happens to them or to someone close to them that drives them to search for alternatives outside the “norm.”  That’s basically what happened to me.  I had a foot injury that wouldn’t heal. After much frustration and months in a walking boot, I had an epiphany while on vacation in Vancouver, BC. 

We were driving through Chinatown, and I noticed all the signs hanging over produce, herbs, and other items with Chinese writing on them.  Like a bolt of lightning it hit me: when I returned home I intuitively knew I needed to find a Chinese doctor and explore Eastern medicine.  And that’s exactly what I did.  Eight weeks later my foot had healed completely, and I had a new appreciation for acupuncture and Chinese herbs, and my new Chinese doctor, Dr. Peng.  I am actually terrified of needles, and I had to face this fear head on. 

While I still hate needles in general, I can now tolerate an acupuncture session.  I have to admit I still get nervous and have to keep my eyes closed. And so began a journey into a world that I had never heard anything about.

Holistic means “whole”

Holistic health is actually an approach to life.  Rather than focusing on treating symptoms of illness or specific parts of the body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how he or she interacts with his or her environment.  Furthermore, it emphasizes the connection of mind, body, and spirit; they are one, not separate parts.

Holistic health for cats

Holistic health for our cats simply approaches their health from many different angles.  It goes beyond diet, supplements, and fresh water.  For example, it considers their environment and stressors they are exposed to.  A­re they living with owners who adore and love them?  What kind of environment are they living in?  Are they emotionally happy?  Do they get enough stimulation, exercise and playtime? Are they thriving and living vital lives?  What kinds of toxic pesticides, flea medications or vaccines do they receive?

Let’s go back to diet for a minute.  What kind of food are they eating? Is their diet comprised of real, whole foods?  Is their food pesticide, hormone, GMO and preservative free?  If not, they are being set up for health problems in the future.  The truth is, no amount of good genes, or supplements for that matter, can offset bad nutrition.  What do we do when health challenges arise and our cats get sick?  Are they given medicine that is toxic, full of chemicals that come with a list of side effects?  Wouldn’t it make more sense to give their bodies tools that allow them to heal themselves? A holistic approach to health looks for and addresses the root cause.

Cat health problems can be addressed holistically

Allopathic vs Holistic

Don’t misunderstand me…there is truly a time and place for emergency and allopathic medicine.  However, in many cases we can successfully treat and/or support everyday ailments, common illnesses, and even diseases with medicine derived from natural plants, herbs, homeopathy, essential oils, acupuncture, and other energy­-based modalities.

I’ve witnessed first hand some pretty “out there” stuff, things that people would consider “woo­-woo.”  It’s not only hard to understand how it works but hard to describe to other people.  In the end, we all want the same result:  a healthy, happy pet.  Moreover, if I can do it without adding to the coffers of the pharmaceutical industry that makes me even happier!  Think about this: Eastern medicine has been around for thousands of years.  Obviously, if it didn’t work people wouldn’t keep using it.

Life is a journey, and having a holistic approach to living just makes the journey a bit sweeter.  It allows us to learn and understand who we are and how our body, mind, and spirit are truly connected.   Of course, you don’t have to be a human to develop that connection. Just ask your cat!




Our Purpose Comes From Those That Touch Our Heart.

To help cat owners learn about the options and benefits of natural, holistic health in order to not just live but to thrive. After all, our cats aren’t just pets...they’re family.

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I received a Mind Body Spirit Release from Pam just 21 days ago. I should say here that I am a professional healer and have had many different types of sessions with many people. The accuracy and potency of this specific modality was absolutely astonishing! My focus was to clear my blocks from financial abundance. I am now making an average of $2000 per day! I will be booking my follow up session and recommend that you get started today!!

Iena S.

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