Archive for the ‘Holistic Health’ Category
May 14, 2021 | by Pam Roussell
Building Your Cat’s Holistic Toolkit
More and more cat parents are being disappointed with the results they get with conventional medicine. As a result there is a growing interest in using a holistic approach to their cats’ health. While I’m a firm believer there is a time a place for conventional medicine, using a complimentary approach to overall health can […]
October 4, 2020 | by Pam Roussell
Convalescence Cat Tips
If you’re like me, I feel stress whenever one of my cats has to have any kind of surgery or procedure. Nevertheless, sometimes it’s necessary, like spaying/neutering or dental cleaning. To aid in the recovery, or convalescence, there are several things we can do holistically to help. Convalescence for cats: Thom’s story One of my […]
August 30, 2020 | by Pam Roussell
Holistic Support For Feline Herpes Virus 1
One of the most common viruses that cause upper respiratory illness in cats is feline herpes virus 1, or FVH-1. Having had a kitty with this virus I know first hand how miserable the symptoms can be for your cat. The feline herpes virus 1 is most commonly found in cats who are in shelters, […]
July 12, 2020 | by Pam Roussell
MicroBiome Restorative Therapy For Pets
For some people talking about poop is very uncomfortable, but in my world it comes with the territory. After all, poop gives some interesting insight into the health of an individual. Just this past weekend I watched an amazing interview hosted by The Two Crazy Cat Ladies with Dr. Margo Roman, DVM. The topic? MicroBiome […]
May 3, 2020 | by Pam Roussell
Overcoming A Rabies Vaccine Injury: Mimi’s Miracle
I received an email this week that made me cry. Granted, they were happy tears! When Michael reached out to me almost a month ago I could sense the desperation resonating through the phone. He had just purchased a custom dose of Lyssin, a homeopathic remedy often used in the treatment of an adverse reaction […]
March 8, 2020 | by Pam Roussell
Getting Results For Cats With Seasonal Allergies
And so it begins. Spring is officially in full bloom in many parts of the country! This can be a welcomed sight for many people who are ready to say goodbye to winter. However, if you have a cat with seasonal allergies you’re probably saying something like, “Oh no…here we go again!” I had several […]
February 9, 2020 | by Pam Roussell
Detox Vaccines In Cats Naturally
I’m seeing it more and more with cat clients I work with: vaccines are resonating as stressors. And this hurts my heart! What cat parents need to know is that vaccines do not come without risk. Serious, chronic diseases can develop as a result of vaccines, as well as immediate acute symptoms. This is why […]
January 5, 2020 | by Pam Roussell
6 Best Cat Health Tips For The New Year
This time of year is always about new beginnings. January 1st ushered in a new day, a new month, a new year, and a new decade. I also learned in numerology that the year 2020 is a “4”, and 4 is about manifesting all that you hope and dream of. If you’re a cat mom […]
December 21, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Adopting A Shelter Cat With A History of Struvite Crystals
On Giving Tuesday a friend of mine was interested in adopting a beautiful kitty at a pet adoption event held at her workplace. It’s an event looked forward to every year, and this year Rachel felt she was ready to take on the commitment. However, there was just one issue. This shelter cat came with […]
December 1, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Help For Skin Rashes In Cats: Bi Nai’s Story
Probably best known for being hairless, the Sphynx breed of cat is full of personality. They are very friendly, affectionate, enjoy being the center of attention, and tend to follow their owners around like dogs. Back in October 2018 I was contacted by cat mom, Eve, regarding her Sphynx cat, Bi Nai. He’s an indoor […]