Archive for the ‘Holistic Health’ Category
November 10, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Gemmotherapy For Pets
Sometimes I consider myself a natural health nerd. For example, I am simply fascinated by the healing power of plants, and many people probably think this is weird. Nonetheless, today I am excited about a special type of herbal medicine: gemmotherapy, also known as plant stem cell therapy. This powerful form of herbal therapy […]
November 3, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Could My Cat Have A Food Sensitivity?
One of the most common issues I see in cat clients is food sensitivity. Not to be confused with food allergies, food sensitivities manifest themselves differently. In fact, there are a number of things to look for if you suspect your cat may have a food sensitivity. Food sensitivity or food allergy? First of all, […]
October 27, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Holistic Help For Autoimmune Disease In Cats: Pooh Bear’s Story
I love stories with happy endings! Perhaps it’s because in real life this isn’t always the case, especially in the lives of rescue cats. I want you to meet a very special kitty to me; his name is Pooh Bear. His name, probably inspired by the lovable orange bear we all know from childhood stories, […]
October 12, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
TNR For A Feral Cat Using A Holistic Approach
In the summer of 2018 a feral cat started showing up in the vicinity of my house. Unbeknownst to me at the time I later learned our neighborhood had a TNR program (trap, neuter, return) for neighborhood feral cats. This kitty was different somehow. Filled with sadness, it was his eyes that got to me. He […]
September 1, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Holistic Cat Tales: Joy’s Story
Many cat parents are growing more savvy today about trying alternative approaches to health for cats. Better nutrition, supplements, herbal medicine and holistic veterinary medicine are just a few of these. Holistic cat therapies and methods treat the whole cat, not just symptoms. Here’s an example of how one client found success for her cat’s […]
August 11, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Tips And Hacks For Cats With Cancer
If you’ve never watched Rodney Habib’s documentary The Dog Cancer Series I highly recommend doing so. I re-watched it over the past week, and it’s loaded with great information. Granted, its focus is on dogs with cancer. Nevertheless, there are so many great recommendations for holistic cancer treatment and prevention you can apply to […]
July 7, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Overcoming Feline Cystitis: Bentley’s Story
You know the expression “There must be something in the water”? I was reminded of it week of this because I have encountered several cat parents lately dealing with feline cystitis. It must be a message! Obviously it is very common, and there is a huge need to help cats with this life-threatening condition. A […]
June 8, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Skin Sores On Cats–Holistic Help For Nilla
Life can keep us cat parents pretty busy at times. One day your cat seems fine, and then suddenly, as if out of the blue, something is off. Chances are good that perhaps you didn’t notice the little warning signs. They were there all along, but somehow you missed connecting the dots. In a household […]
May 18, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Boosting Your Cat’s Immune System
Have you ever wondered why some cats have a tendency to develop illnesses or diseases more frequently than others? Or why some cats live to be 20 years old when the average age may be around 15? Genetics and environment can certainly play roles in these outcomes, but you can’t overlook the immune system. Keeping […]
May 12, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies To Keep On Hand
Using homeopathic remedies with my cats began out of necessity–I needed results–and fast! When my journey into holistic health and alternative healing methods began many years ago I had never heard of homeopathy. In fact, my very first experience in natural healing began with acupuncture. Having an intense fear of needles, the decision to even […]