Archive for the ‘Holistic Health’ Category
April 6, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Holistic Help For Constipation In Cats
Potty problems Constipation in cats is no laughing matter. In fact, they can be signs of a greater issue. Recently we noticed Lili struggling more when trying to poop. She was clearly uncomfortable, making little whining sounds while in the litter box. There were several instances where she would try to poop and nothing would […]
March 30, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Holistic Support For Cats With Seasonal Allergies
Spring is here! The signs are all around us: trees blooming, warming weather, rain showers…and pollen everywhere! This is the time of year when everyone is suffering from allergies, especially humans. However, even cats can become sensitive to seasonal changes. There are lots of ways to use a holistic approach to support cats with seasonal […]
March 24, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
An Open Letter To Conventional Veterinarians
A trip to the emergency vet hospital My friend and client, Kristian, came home this week to find her kitty, Maggie, waiting on the stairs inside her garage apartment. Instead of eagerly following her upstairs she lay listless, and Kristian knew immediately something was wrong. She carried her upstairs, opened the cat carrier, and Maggie […]
February 23, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Probiotics–Does Your Cat Need Them?
Probiotics are no longer just another buzz-word. Like omega 3s were years ago, their popularity continues to rise as we learn more about what makes them so beneficial. These tiny microbes are proving to be the missing nutrients necessary for optimal health in both humans and pets. Consequently, most veterinarians are now embracing their use […]
February 9, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
What Role Do Trapped Emotions Play In Cat Health?
Do you ever stop to wonder why the universe keeps putting things in front of you over and over again? Do you seem to see the same numbers, ads, article topics, or time of day? Perhaps it’s hearing the same song or an animal crossing your path over and over. That’s a message! You would […]
January 26, 2019 | by Pam Roussell
Holistic Help For Rodent Ulcers In Cats
I had a cat mom named Mandy reach out to me this week with a question concerning a rodent ulcer her kitten has developed. Up until a year ago I had never heard of such a thing. However, when one of my clients developed one I had to start researching.
December 29, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Cat Health Tips For The New Year
While I’m not big on making New Year’s resolutions, I do think it’s wise to have goals. In working toward these goals you must have a plan–and then follow it! If you would like to make 2019 a great year for your cat here are my best cat health tips. By making these changes your cat can be healthier and happier, and your vet bills can be lower, too! How many of these are you already doing?
December 16, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Successful Weight Loss For Cats
If your cat could stand to lose a few pounds then read on! Not only is it vital for his health and longevity, it may be easier than you think. Learn what strategy I used with my own cat who needed to lose a pound or two and other great tips to keep your cat trim.
December 1, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Holistic Support & Best Diet For Cats With Kidney Disease
One of my clients has a kitty named Zoltan who has struggled with pancreatitis, which is why he originally reached out to me. He is now eating a much better diet and his pancreatitis has subsided drastically. However, now his kidney values have slowly increased to in the recent months. His owner is now using a blend of kidney support supplements, but his vet is pushing a prescription kidney diet with lower protein levels. The veterinary food has a high number of carbohydrates which will most likely re-trigger his pancreatitis. What’s a cat parent to do?
November 23, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Energetics And Food Therapy For Pets
Proper nutrition is fundamental to our pets’ health, but have you ever considered how different foods affect our pets? The kinds of food we feed our pets can have a direct affect on an animal’s condition. Here are some fascinating things I learned about food therapy for pets.