Archive for the ‘Holistic Health’ Category
June 3, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Sushi’s Mystery Cat Illness
Sometimes cats get sick and there’s no obvious cause. One minute your kitty seems fine, and the next, well, not so good. It’s a terrible, helpless feeling not being able to understand what’s wrong. Being a vigilant cat parent and noticing a change in behavior, eating, or litter box habits is crucial when it comes […]
May 20, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
The Truth About Essential Oils And Cats
Several years ago I went to a workshop to learn about essential oils and first aid for people and pets. In fact, one of the teachers was a holistic veterinarian. It was the first time I got the nitty gritty on what essential oils were, how they’re made, how to determine quality, and most importantly, […]
May 5, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Allergic Dermatitis In Cats: Yuri’s Story
Meet Yuri. She’s an adorable 15 month old tabby kitty who lives in Melbourne, Australia. Her mom, Anna, adopted her from a local shelter when she about 3 months old. Shortly after she was diagnosed with an ear infection. It wasn’t long after that she started to itch and scratch her ears and eye areas, even developing feline acne. Thus began a year long journey of vet visits and numerous attempts to treat Yuri’s symptoms.
April 21, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
How To Safely Protect Your Cat From Fleas & Pests
Fleas, chemicals and cats The seasons are changing, and before we know it summer will be upon us. Our cats love to soak up the sun and bask in the summer heat in our courtyard. In fact, it’s Rocket’s favorite past time! Fortunately they aren’t exposed to fleas and ticks like other cats who may […]
April 14, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
What To Put In Your Holistic First Aid Kit For Cats
I was reading a newsletter and it made me stop and think about what I have available in case an emergency arose with one of my cats. Honestly, cat emergencies are not at the forefront of my mind on a daily basis. In fact, I’m not a very reactionary person to begin with. I tend to be more calm under pressure and think things through. It’s always a good idea to be prepared though. When it comes to first aid kits for cats there are some items every cat parent should have on hand.
April 8, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
What You Need To Know Before Vaccinating Your Cat
Over-vaccination is rampant in today’s society because profits are put before pets. As a cat parent it’s absolutely critical you educate yourself about vaccinations. I’ve been watching the documentary series The Truth About Pet Cancer this week, and an entire episode was dedicated to the truth about vaccines. Before you cart your cat off to the vet in programmed compliance to the reminder postcard your vet sent you, here’s what you need to know about vaccines for cats.
March 17, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Is Your Cat A Picky Eater? This May Be Why
Cats love routine…and they love to eat. It’s super easy for them to train us to dote on their every whim or hunger pang. We eagerly acquiesce to their every need, and there is no better example than a cat who’s a picky eater. If the bowl of food we offer is snubbed how many […]
March 10, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Seasonal Allergies In Cats: Is Your Cat Suffering?
Many of my friends are already suffering from all the pollen. It’s everywhere! Cats can suffer from seasonal allergies, and boy can they be miserable! Rather than put your cat on pharmaceutical drugs that are toxic and laden with side effects, I’ll give you several suggestions that take a more natural approach.
March 3, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Is Your Cat Allergic To Its Food?
Down here in Houston, Texas it’s not uncommon to hear people complain about their allergies. Even cats can develop allergies not only to airborne irritants but to the ingredients in their food. How do you know if your cat has a food allergy? What are the symptoms and the most common ingredients that can lead to food allergies in cats? And what can you do about them?
February 18, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Hershey’s Testimony To The Power of Natural Remedies For Cats
Hershey’s wellness check up in late November revealed two very sensitive teeth with red, tender gums. After stabilizing his thyroid levels we were finally able to get his dental work scheduled. As a cat mom I’m always trying to find natural remedies for my cats that provide effective and safe support during medical procedures and illnesses. Little did I realize that my knowledge was about to be put to the test!