Archive for the ‘Inspirational Stories’ Category
August 5, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Communicating With Animals…A Spiritual Connection
Animals are in our lives for a reason If you’re reading this blog chances are pretty good that you’re passionate about cats. Can you image a world without them? Or without any animals, for that matter? Life wouldn’t be the same, and I’m sure I wouldn’t enjoy it as much. Animals remind us what it’s […]
June 22, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Nilla’s Lifelong Battle With Food Aversion
Is Your Cat Food Averse? However strange it may seem, there are cats who are just not into food. It doesn’t matter what you offer or try to bribe them with, they will eat the bare minimum and that’s it. Food aversion in cats can be a very serious thing. In my experience over the […]
November 25, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
Cat Therapy For Addiction Recovery
Can a cat help your addiction recovery? If you’re struggling with mental health issues or addiction recovery, having a trusted pal who is willing to curl up in your lap and love you unconditionally can make a world of difference. Cats make especially good companions because they require less maintenance, can be kept in apartments, […]
October 22, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
The Power Of Reiki For Cats
The Power Of Energy For Healing This past week has been very exciting here in Houston as the whole city has been following the Houston Astros in the American League Championship Series, culminating in a win last night over the New York Yankees. Our hometown team is on its way to the World Series […]
August 20, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
Finding A Lost Cat: Nilla’s Miracle
How do you find a lost cat? When you suddenly become aware that your cat is missing it can strike terror and fear into your heart. If you happen to be in the middle of the Colorado Rockies when it happens where do you even begin looking? If you have ever tried finding a lost […]
July 2, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
Life-Saving Cat Therapy
Cat Therapy As cat moms and dads we understand how deep the bond is between us and our cats. Sometimes it’s even hard to put into words because the love is so deep and profound. Our cats do so much more than beg us for food and treats, lie around and snooze in cute positions, […]
May 6, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
My Cat, My Teacher About Holistic Cat Health
It is said that the greatest teacher in life is experience. Sometimes experiences can be good ones; other times they are tough, gut-wrenching trials that wear us out and break our hearts. From which do we usually learn more? If we’re honest, it’s during the darkest, toughest experiences, right?
April 9, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
Chaz’s Critical Condition
Chaz is about 11 years old, and was rescued by his mom, Pam. He is a beautiful, super chill, laid back cat, known to be a picky eater. He’s had a really tough couple of weeks! About two weeks ago Chaz became extremely fussy about his food and didn’t want to eat. After trying just about every trick in the book and worried that he may develop hepatic lipidosis (a potentially fatal condition when cats stop eating)…
March 12, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
Following a Different Path
It’s been a rough week for Rocket. If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile you’ll no doubt recall that over the months we’ve been trying to get to the bottom of and treat the cause of Rocket’s chronic nasal congestion. Our most recent efforts included working with a veterinary homeopath out of Denver. We seemed to be having some success…and then we digressed.
December 14, 2016 | by Pam Roussell
Vital Animals!
Meet Dr. Falconer! If you are reading this post you’re probably already owned by a cat or two. I realize that many of you probably are also owned by a dog…or two! I want to introduce to you a holistic veterinarian who lives outside of Austin, TX, named Dr. Will Falconer. While he sees both […]