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Helping A Feral Cat: Jarvis’ Story

Feral cat health

Jarvis, a neighborhood feral cat

Feral cats have it rough!

It must be super difficult to be a feral cat and live outdoors.  There are so many challenges and dangers they face!  Imagine what it must be like to have to defend yourself from other feral cats, dogs, raccoons, opossums, traffic, and mean human beings.  Where will your next meal come from?  Where will you find shelter from the rain and cold weather?  My pampered, indoor kitties have no idea how good they have it!  

My cats love to sit on the balcony and watch the birds, squirrels, and outdoor cats that saunter into their view.  We have seen a few ferals come and go over the years, and apparently there is a neighbor down the street who feeds a feral colony.   A couple of months ago we started to see a young orange and white tabby male cat hanging around in the empty lot next to us.  Sometimes he hangs out on the stone pathway along our home or on our front porch steps.  He sits and naps in the sun and watches over his territory. 

We also see a black and white male kitty hanging around some, and you can tell he’s been in a few fights.  He’s a bit scruffy and very skittish.  While I haven’t seen any fighting going on, on rare occasions I am wake up during the night to sound of cats howling and fighting.   

Helping a feral cat–holistically

A couple of weeks ago I was finally able to get a closer look at our furry orange neighbor.  He had the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen.  I saw several red, open wounds around his neck.  Some of the open wounds were partially covered in black, including inside one of his ears.  The right side of his face was swollen as if a golf ball was inside his cheek.  My heart broke for him!  

As I stood at the window in the guest room and watched him snoozing on the gravel in front of the house I heard a voice in my head say, “Do what you can to help him.”  And so I made up my mind right then and there and came up with a plan.  Muscle testing using his photo helped me determine how to help him.

Homeopathy and colloidal silver

The thing I did was figure out how to heal his wounds.  I have a 50 remedy homeopathy kit on hand, and several remedies are recommended for treating skin wounds, including calendula, ledum, phosphorus, arnica, and staphysagria.  Normally you would match the remedy to symptoms, but given that this kitty was feral it was easier to muscle test each remedy using his photo.  Staphysagria 30c tested best.  I dissolved 3 pellets into 1/4 cup of purified water, stirred briskly, and squirted 1/2 ml onto some yummy wet food.

I knew his immune system would need boosted given the severity of his infected wounds.  Muscle testing indicated that colloidal silver would be highly beneficial, so I added 3 ml of it to his food, too.  Ideally he would get two doses of his medicines daily, but I can never be sure when I’ll see him.  Therefore, whenever I do see him I offer him a meal with the medicines mixed in, and he gulps it down with great enthusiasm.  

Helping a feral cat

Jarvis enjoys wet food with homeopathy and colloidal silver mixed in it.

The next thing I did was help him energetically using ECR (energetic cellular release), an energy medicine modality.  Using his photo I muscle tested to find out if he had any sensitivities in his body.  Not surprisingly, several things were testing positive:  infection, lymphatic system, skin and ears.  I was able to energetically clear all these sensitivities which helps his body to heal.  I also checked him for any viruses, illnesses or diseases, and fortunately all were negative.  He’s a pretty healthy cat except for all his injuries.

Meet Jarvis!

Finally, I decided I would use animal communication to speak to him.  I was curious about him and wanted him to know that I meant no harm.  When I first said hello I could see him in my mind popping his head up from a nap.  After introducing myself I asked him his name.  He told me it was Jarvis.  I learned lots of interesting things in that conversation!  He was 11 months old and he had a sister, a small, brown tabby.  (I see her hanging around the house next door a lot.)  His mother is still around the neighborhood but doesn’t stay close by. 

He likes hanging out around our property and the properties in close proximity because it’s peaceful.  Sadly, he added that some of the children in the neighborhood have thrown things at him, so he stays away from them.  He also asked me why I wanted to help him.  I told him that I love cats and don’t want to see him injured anymore.  He seemed surprised but thankful.  He loves the wet food I give him, too.  Apparently the only food he’s ever eaten before now is kibble.

How to help a feral cat

Jarvis enjoys his peaceful, outdoor world

He’s my project

I wish so much that I could treat him more consistently with regular meals and meds, but  I am at the mercy of his schedule, not mine.  He lets me come within about ten feet before running away, but I don’t get discouraged.  This life is all he knows, and it’s how he survives.  Once his wounds are healed I plan to get him TNR’d (trapped, neutered, and returned) with the help of a friend, and release him back to his outdoor home.  By getting him neutered he won’t be fathering future feral kittens, and it will help prevent fighting with other feral male cats.  

In the few short days that I’ve been treating him I can tell a remarkable improvement in his face.  The medicines are working!   Using holistic, natural remedies and animal communication are easy ways to help feral cats thrive in their outdoor environment.

If you would like to learn more about helping feral cats and TNR, check out a great organization called Alley Cat Allies.  Do you work with feral cats?  If so, have you used any holistic ways to improve their lives?  Share in the comments below!


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It appears you really DID clear the obsessiveness of Libby asking and going nutso as I get out and prep her canned food. She is giving me space (not underfoot), less verbally meowing like crazy and this morning she knew I was prepping the food and it was so quiet I turned around and she wasn't even in the kitchen anymore, even though she knew I was prepping her food. THAT's a first.

Danielle T.

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