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Live Q&A About Cats September 2023

We had a great show tonight, and it’s always fun to connect with and helping cat people. Tonight’s show covered lots of topics, including:

🐈 Cat dandruff

🐈FHS cat ripping out his fur

🐈Oral health support and teeth brushing

🐈Goats milk

🐈Bone broth

🐈Our upcoming homeopathy workshop

🐈Omega 3s and raw food diets

🐈Using crystals with cats

🐈And much more!

What was your biggest takeaway for helping you with your cat? Leave a comment below!

Our Purpose Comes From Those That Touch Our Heart.

To help cat owners learn about the options and benefits of natural, holistic health in order to not just live but to thrive. After all, our cats aren’t just pets...they’re family.

Be Inspired. Let's Stay Connected.

Trusted By Those That Love Their Best Friends

I received a Mind Body Spirit Release from Pam just 21 days ago. I should say here that I am a professional healer and have had many different types of sessions with many people. The accuracy and potency of this specific modality was absolutely astonishing! My focus was to clear my blocks from financial abundance. I am now making an average of $2000 per day! I will be booking my follow up session and recommend that you get started today!!

Iena S.

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