Reiki is an ancient Japanese spiritual healing technique using the hands to help move and restore energy (ki) flowing through the body. When this life force energy is strong and flowing freely, there is health and ease in the body. On the contrary, when this energy is stuck, blocked or stagnant, dis-ease and blocks to health occur. Restoring this open flow of energy throughout the body is highly beneficial on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
Reiki, because it is holistic in nature, can address both physical and emotional issues, supporting healing on all levels. It is an ideal therapy to use with animals because it is gentle, painless, stress-free, and does not require direct physical contact in order to be effective; it also allows animals to choose their own level of participation and acceptance of the energy.
A valuable time to offer Reiki to animals is immediately post-surgery, or post-treatment before they go home. By offering Reiki at this time, veterinary technicians can support a quick recovery. Another valuable time to offer Reiki is when an animal is sick or injured in order to assist in the healing process.
Energy is not limited by time or space!
Distance sessions are as effective as in-person sessions, and are often preferable to in-person treatments if an animal is excitable, anxious around strangers, very ill or ready to transition. Distance treatments can benefit in the case of an emergency as they can be easier to schedule.
It is important that you have an open mind about the Reiki as it will allow your animal companion to relax and be open to accepting and communicating more freely. You may be present with the animal; however, it is important that you remain quiet and calm.
Reiki Healing With Deanna
Deanna’s love for animals led her down the path as a Healer. She became vegan and wanted to help animals around the world, after learning about the Meat, Dairy and Egg industries. Reiki was the perfect method, since it could be conducted in-person or globally from a distance. The results and feedback she received were miraculous and surreal for both animals and people, and once she realized it wasn’t a coincidence or the placebo effect, Deanna left the corporate world in 2019. There was no way she was going to sell software for another 18 years, if she could help eliminate pain/suffering, and reverse diseases, illnesses and chronic conditions that some vets and physicians said couldn’t be cured.
In addition to being certified in Reiki I, II, III, Animal Reiki, Pranic Healing and Crystal Healing, Deanna also clears chakras, auras, energy rays, and cuts negative energy cords. After completing 3 different Reiki Programs and studying multiple healing modalities, she was able to compare and contrast different techniques, and now combines them together to yield faster results. Sometimes she receives messages from animals and higher beings, but not all the time.
Reiki is great for many issues and conditions!
The symptoms and conditions that Deanna has treated have been diverse:
Stress, anxiety, PTSD/trauma, cancer, lipomas (benign tumors), lymphoma, pancreatitis, nausea/vomiting, animals pee’ing on furniture, limping, pulled muscles, arthritis/tendonitis, eye and ear infections, vertigo/dizziness, rashes, depression, grief, diarrhea, constipation, trapped gas, Gastro Intestinal issues, recovery from chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, insomnia, sciatica, carpal tunnel, migraines/headaches, laryngitis, C0VID-19, sore throat, chills/fever, body aches, sneezing, runny nose, coughing, physical pain (back, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands, knees, feet, ankles, toes, stomach, uterus, groin, pectorals, thighs, broken bones etc), STDs, psoriasis, eczema, asthma, allergies, feeling “stuck”, cramps, plantar fasciitis, stiffness in fingers, ADD/inability to focus, and more!
Clients usually see positive results immediately. Deanna doesn’t take credit for anything because she believes she’s being guided (like everyone), and Beings of Light use her as a vessel/instrument to transfer Universal Life Force Energy to others to help them heal. She is extremely passionate about Energy Healing, loves everything about it, found her calling, and is super excited to help more cats and humans feel better and live happier, longer lives.
Services & Pricing:
1.) Free 30 minute Consultation
Book your free consultation at Deanna’s Calendar.
2.) $165- Reiki & Quantum Healing (1 hour)
3.) $275- Clearing & Unblocking (2 hours)
- Chakra Summary
- Cutting Negative Energy Cords
- Straightening Energy Rays
- Clearing Auras & The Body
- Unblocking/Energizing Chakras (& parts of the body, depending on the issue)
4.) $500- Combination of #2 and #3 above, PLUS 2 Two Hour Repeat Reiki Sessions and Root Cause Discussion
Click the button below to purchase a Reiki session. You will be redirected to our store.
Emergency sessions are available at 1.5 standard rate and must be approved by Deanna in advance. Emergency session fee payments will be made via the Donation page.
- Outside business hours(9am-6pm PST)
- Weekends
What is needed for a Pet Session:
1.) Fur baby’s First & Last Name
2.) A picture (or two) where I can see their eyes 👀
- Head shot and/or full body photo(s)
3.) Your location (city/state)
4.) What is your intention/goal? What are we trying to heal?
5.) Free 30 minute consultation:
- Discuss your fur baby’s situation & history/background
- Answer questions
- Collect information
- Explain the process/options in more detail