The Rabies Vaccine Miasm

Over the past several years working as a holistic health practitioner for cats (and a few dogs, too) I’ve come across countless cases of vaccinosis—chronic disease as a result of vaccination.
Because the rabies vaccine is required by law in most places it’s no surprise to me that it’s causing the most issues in clients I’ve worked with. Many of these symptoms or “issues” often get overlooked or pet parents mistakenly attribute them to something else. My advice is before you rationalize or make excuses for something that may seem random, familiarize yourself with the symptoms to look out for.
So, the question is, do you know what to look for?
The chronic disease miasm
The study of the relationship between vaccination and chronic disease goes all the way back to 1884 by J. Compton Burnett, MD. To quote Dr. Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD,
Vaccinosis is to be understood as the disturbance of the vital force by vaccination that results in mental, emotional, and physical changes that can, in some cases, be a permanent condition.
To clarify, it does NOT mean your cat has rabies. Rather, it shows a chronic disease pattern with similar characteristics of the acute form of the virus. Today we call this a miasm. A miasm is a predisposition or tendency to have certain health issues, behaviors, emotions or underlying conditions.
What does the rabies vaccine miasm look like?
Mental, emotional and physical changes can begin within hours or even days, up to weeks or months following a rabies vaccine. Therefore, it’s super important to pay careful attention to your cat’s overall state of being from the moment the vaccine is given. Furthermore, keep a written journal and be sure to record dates, vet appointments, any vaccines given, behavior, appetite and anything that seems “off.” Symptoms of the rabies miasm that I have come across in my cases include the following:
- Aggression and anger, especially if this is uncharacteristic of the pet
- Hoarseness and loss of voice
- Anxiety and fearful behavior that wasn’t present prior to receiving the rabies vaccine
- A desire to escape, roam or wander off
- Pica–A desire to eat non-food items like sticks, wood, textiles, rocks, plastic, poop, etc.
- Suspicious and fearful of strangers or new pets
- Seizures, twitches and symptoms of Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome
- Sudden lameness, ataxia
- Fear of water, even rain; refusing to drink water
- Doesn’t like being left alone; separation anxiety
- “Reverse” sneezing
As I mentioned, sometimes symptoms don’t appear right away. Eventually they start to show up much later, even years after receiving the vaccine. In fact, the gut can end up with imbalance that results in chronic diarrhea, too.
Why detoxing the rabies vaccine is important
Regardless if your cat has only had one rabies vaccines or multiple, I highly recommend implementing detox protocols. This can be beneficial even if your cat’s last rabies vaccine was given years ago. Furthermore, just because you don’t necessarily see adverse reactions or chronic disease setting in, things can still be happening on a cellular level within the body. As a result, homeostasis is being disrupted.
When it comes to detoxing any vaccine, I always use muscle testing first. We want to make sure that all the body’s drainage pathways are open before starting any detox protocols. If not, it is important to begin with lymphatic support first, followed by liver support. Once the liver has been supported we can use homeopathy to detox the vaccine. Note: there are many homeopathic remedies that detox the rabies vaccine. However, I find that Lyssin is by far the most common and beneficial, not Thuja. By muscle testing I can easily determine which remedy the body needs.
Because most vaccines contain either aluminum or mercury (Thimerosal) as an adjuvant, be sure to follow the vaccine detox with a heavy metal cleanse. Heavy metals are a major stressor to the immune and nervous system. Oftentimes this step is missed.
Holistic support
Finally, be sure to support the gut with beneficial supplements to restore homeostasis. This can include a humic/fulvic acid product and antioxidants like omega 3s and medicinal mushrooms to reduce inflammation and protect from free radical stress. In some cases a probiotic may also be beneficial for a short time as well.
If all this feels a bit overwhelming, seek out guidance from a holistic health provider who has experience in this area. Furthermore, I offer a service, Vaccine Detox Customization, that uses muscle testing to assess and address what the body needs in order to make this process simple and effective.
To learn more about the relationship between vaccines and chronic disease patterns we see today, I encourage you to read Dr. Pitcairn’s article on the subject. It’s truly eye-opening!