A Tribute To My Cat Hershey
It’s been an emotional week in our household as one of our cats crossed the rainbow bridge. Today’s post is a tribute to my cat Hershey. As heart-breaking as it is, I know he is alive and well in spirt and flying high once again. The bond we shared was deeper than any I have had before, and I hope this glimpse into our relationship will touch your heart.
Hershey, my love
From the very first day you pranced into our living room it was if you knew you had “arrived.” Your spunky “catitude” blended with a sense of royalty that carried over throughout your entire life. We had named you even before we met you because we knew what you looked like, but little did we know then we nailed your personality! With a coat as soft as silk, a gentle, tender demeanor, and hunting skills that would rival a wild cat, your grace and presence stood out among all the other cats. And of course, you were a momma’s boy. You always wanted held and would get upset when I’d put you down. You always found the best spot to snuggle with me at night and would push everyone else out of the way. You were “royalty” after all and used to getting what you wanted. You were very vocal and talkative, too, and actually enjoyed “arguing” with a cranky meow or sharing your opinions.
Our first Tonk
You were our first Tonkinese, and our love for you led to the second, third, fourth and fifth. You had our hearts in your paw with the first meow. You embraced Snowbear as your brother the first day he arrived in our home, and like all great big brothers, you showed him the ropes and were always close. It must have hurt you when he died, but you gracefully took over as guardian to his best girl, Lili. Even as years passed and our family lost Shasta, Tosh, and Kiwi, you were always my rock, my support and comfort during difficult times. The only time you ever complained was during heated discussions and raised voices. You always tried to be the peace keeper and protested loudly whenever voices were raised.
You were always up for a a road trip adventure as long as you could be close to me. We took three family vacations to Colorado and one to Montana over the past several years, and despite the long hours on the road you would happily cuddle up in my lap or on the floor by my feet. Whether we spent the night in a hotel or a week in an unfamiliar vacation home you always slept next to me and never under the bed. You knew you were safe and sound. Even on trips to the vet you were the model patient as the doctor and techs did their routine exams and tests. You taught me so much in my journey of exploring holistic health and alternative methods of healing for cats. With your guidance I learned so much about feline pancreatitis, kidney disease and the importance of proper nutrition for cats.
Your purpose
Eight months ago the ultrasound on your kidneys showed deterioration, and we knew we were living on borrowed time. Every day since was a gift, and I held you closer, memorized the scent of your fur, and cherished the gentle vibration of your purr. A couple of weeks ago you started refusing the baby food that we mixed your supplements in, and your appetite started to wane. I guess you were trying to tell me you didn’t need them anymore, trying to prepare me, but I didn’t make the connection. Just a few short days after returning from a business trip your body started rejecting food, and even though my efforts as the food Nazi were tolerated up to a point, I finally got your message. I would honor your wishes and let you dictate the remaining days we shared together. Rocket, Gunner, and Aylen all took turns checking on you, and Lili would lovingly bathe you and keep you warm.
Blessed with the ability to communicate with you, we shared a couple of conversations before your time here was up. Your words will forever remain in my heart. You said you were tired, and it was time for you to go. You encouraged me to be brave and strong and not to worry about you. You chose to come to me because you knew I needed your affection and comfort over the years. You said I was the best mom ever, and you loved me so very much! You loved to be held all the time because you wanted to be close to me and feel the beat of my heart. You also encouraged me to follow my destiny–to help cats and cat parents. And finally, you showed me a beautiful blue butterfly. This beautiful creature is a reminder to me of what your purpose and journey was all about: love, joy, happiness, change, acceptance, honor and purpose. While it can also represent sadness for a time, the butterfly is also a symbol of rebirth. It was time for you to transition and be reborn to your next life, your next purpose.
Last wishes
You told us that you’d like to pass here at home, surrounded by your family, so that’s we did. Last Wishes, a hospice vet service, provided amazing care and comfort as you quietly slipped away in my arms. My face and the sound of my heartbeat were the last things you saw and felt as angels gently carried your spirit away. Tears from your daddy and I covered your soft, beautiful fur. You truly were our angel in fur, and your presence is already greatly missed. Even though you are no longer present the spiritual bond and connection we share will live on. We love you deeply from the bottom of our hearts and feel so blessed that we were able to share our lives with you!

Hershey 8/19/2001-7/7/2018