Vaccinosis in Pets with Dr. Richard Pitcairn

Did you know that vaccines can cause illness–both acute and chronic–in our pets? Dr. Richard Pitcairn, renowned homeopathic vet, joins us to talk about vaccinosis. This will include what adverse events look like, what rabies, distemper and panleukemia vaccinosis looks like, how to support your pets before and after vaccinations, and how homeopathy is used in cases of vaccinosis.
In addition, he discusses how the immune system fundamentally works. Please invite all your pet-loving friends and share this! Here is the link to Dr. Pitcairn’s article with the charts he went over in the presentation:
He also recommends further reading in his book: Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, 4th edition, published 2017. Chapter 16, entitled Vaccines: Friend or Foe, is a more extensive discussion of this topic. Also included is suggestion of alternatives to vaccines using homeopathic nosodes. (See page 251)