What Is My Cat Thinking?

Can You Really Talk To Your Cat?
I’m sure we’ve all thought this: What is my cat thinking? If only I could talk with him or if he could talk with me! How much deeper and special our relationship would be! Would you fall out of your chair if I told you it’s really possible? Would you call the men in white coats and report me? Wouldn’t you just love to know how to talk to your cat?
I took a course in Animal Communication a couple of weeks ago. It was truly amazing! The gals from The Lightfoot Way, Kim and Allison, taught us how to learn to tap in to our intuition, quiet our minds, meditate and truly have conversations with animals! It was by far the most moving experience I have had in years. Throughout the day things were very emotional, and by the end of the day my eyes were so red and swollen from crying so much it took two days for them return to normal. I chose Lili, Snowbear and Gunner as my animals for the class.

Lili and Snowbear
My Animal Communication Class
My motivation was my beloved Snowbear. Ever since he died I have felt tremendous guilt and loss, and the moment I read about this class being offered I didn’t even finish reading Kim’s post but scrolled straight to the bottom of the page to sign up. With tears streaming down my face I filled out the enrollment page and waited confirmation. When the day finally came I was overcome with emotion numerous times. The ladies in the class would share their conversations with our animals they spoke to throughout the day, and the response from the owner was truly mind blowing. Not only did these ladies nail down personalities, circumstances, histories and events, they forever touched the heart and soul of the pet’s owner. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the class.
My Biggest Surprise
Perhaps the most rewarding thing for me happened the day after our class. We were all assigned some homework which consisted of talking with 2 more animals that belonged to ladies from our class. The gal who was selected to speak to Snowbear was extremely gifted. I was surprised to see an email from her Monday evening, and instantly I burst into tears anticipating what she would report. She shared the sweetest words from Snowbear that went straight to my heart and connected with me on a level that only he and I understand. I will keep her email forever as a reminder and comfort that he truly is still with me.
If you’re interested in learning more or would like to take this class, check out their website, www.thelightfootway.com.
Learn more about animal communication services here.
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